NEO-TRACK-Vehicle Tracking Solution App(Download Now)
Dear parents,
We have partnered with NeoTrack and implemented a unique GPS based school bus tracking solution in all our school buses to improve the children’s safety and parent’s convenience during the boarding and alighting from the buses. The following features have been extended to all parents whose children are using the school transportation.
This service is OPTIONAL, and free of charge until the end of September. If you would like to continue using the service from October, you will be required to subscribe for the service using the Sign Up form published on our website.
Online Tracking:
This feature will enable you to track your child’s school bus using any device- laptop, computers, tablets, smartphones etc. – while connected to the internet by following steps.
  1. Please install Android App from or search in Play store for NeoTrack (Yellow Icon) from Neosay Technologies & Solutions Pvt Ltd & install. Please use the credentials that has been sent to you via SMS to your registered phone. Please Install Apple IOS App from
  2.  Using any browser (Internet explorer, Chrome, Mozilla etc.), enter the website and click "LOGIN" or Access the login page  directly. Key in the credentials sent to you on your registered phone. If needed, kindly save your user name & password by enabling the check box "Remember Me".
In case you haven't received the login credentials by SMS, please inform us and we’ll be sharing them with you.
  1.  You will be receiving notifications on your mobile app when the school bus starts the trip from school to pick/drop your child/children.
  2.  You will be alerted through app notifications everyday mornings and afternoons around 10 minutes before the bus reaches your boarding point.
  3.  You will also be notified when your kid swipes his RFID card in the bus which will provide his boarding or alighting information through app notifications.
  4.  School will notify Route / Bus specific information (like Alternate Bus information, change in timing etc.) by NeoTrack app notifications to the parents.
Note: We are rolling out the service in phases. During the first phase, you will be able to live track the bus during trip times. The notifications will be enabled in the coming days in second and third phases and you will see them reflect on the app.
Please login your queries/ concerns regarding the services using support tab in or Email to NeoTrack will respond back within 48 Hours.